Nebraska Chapter, The Wildlife Society
Vote for President-Elect here! Bios are included below.
Jason Clark–I was born and raised here in the “Good Life” of Nebraska and am very passionate about the wildlife in this great state. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Rangeland Wildlife Management from Chadron State College in May of 2014. My involvement with the Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society began in 2010 when I attended my first annual meeting. Since then and throughout my undergraduate degree, I served two terms as president of Chadron State College’s Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society. I was also the public relations officer my senior year. Currently, I am a Conservation Technician with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission and based out of Alliance, Nebraska. I assist with managing seven Wildlife Management Areas, and complete habitat improvement projects to benefit wildlife on each one. I have a variety of large mammal handling experience that includes: bighorn sheep, white-tailed deer, rocky mountain elk, black bear, and mountain lion. I have assisted with white-tailed deer research with the University of Kentucky and black bear research with the Kentucky Department of Wildlife Resources and Auburn University. At one time, I held a fisheries internship with the Arizona Department of Game and Fish. I am a certified hunter education instructor and enjoy educating the youth by holding several hunter education classes a year. Currently I am on the NETWS planning committee, the education and information committee, and also a newsletter editor. I enjoy being involved with the NETWS and meeting all of the great individuals who work hard and volunteer their time to this great Society!
Shaun Dunn–I received my B.S. in Biology with a minor in Fire Science from the University of Central Missouri and my M.S. in Biology with an emphasis in conservation and biogeography from Fort Hays State University (where I worked with a variety of taxa). For the past nine years I have worked for the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission in various capacities: Wildlife Biologist, Staff Assistant, Wind and Wildlife Coordinator, and Federal Aid Administrator (current position, 6 years). For our Chapter of TWS I have served as an At-Large Board member twice, sat on the Awards Committee and the Education and Information Committee, served as the Google Group administrator, and currently I am serving as the Chair of the Membership Committee. I have also started the process to become a Certified Wildlife Biologist and hope to submit my application before this summer. I welcome the opportunity to serve as President-Elect and my goal would be to help the NETWS provide accurate, scientifically-based recommendations and statements on those issues most critical to Nebraska’s natural resources.