Area of Focus: Species Taxon

March 9, 2023

Rising oryx numbers may distress New Mexico ecosystem

South African ungulates introduced decades ago have expanded exponentially in Chihuahuan Desert

March 8, 2023

Agricultural fungicides may stave off chytrid infections

But scientists warn against using them due to unforeseen ecological consequences

March 6, 2023

Severely burned areas benefit southern Appalachians birds

Their diversity and overall numbers climbed after a 2016 wildfire

March 2, 2023

Keeping an eye on wildlife after Ohio train derailment

About 43,700 animals total have died within eight kilometers of waterways where chemicals spilled

March 1, 2023

Islands suffer from reptile loss

When reptiles are lost on islands, so are their ecosystem services

February 28, 2023

Removing beaver dams to protect massive brook trout

Wildlife Services worked to remove beaver dams to improve habitats for massive coaster brook trout

February 28, 2023

COVID lockdowns brought tigers closer to roads

GPS-collared male and female tigers responded differently to the lockdown

February 27, 2023

Wild Cam: Where do sloth bears den?

Female sloth bears may sometimes take risks to gain access to better resources

February 24, 2023

Watch: Boosting bighorn numbers in Oregon

Biologists are monitoring an important California bighorn sheep population

February 23, 2023

What’s the best way to translocate snakes?

Researchers examined dozens of studies to find the best strategies