Area of Focus: Species Taxon

July 10, 2023

A looming fungal disease poses a major threat to North American salamanders

The pathogen Bsal could cause declines in 140 species

July 7, 2023

Montana eagles face widespread lead exposure

Their lead levels are highest in months directly following hunting season

July 6, 2023

As the climate warms, spring comes early and birds raise fewer young 

For some birds, the growing mismatch could be catastrophic

July 5, 2023

Rabid moose found in Alaska 

It’s the first documented case of rabies in a moose on the continent

June 30, 2023

This endangered bird is evolving to adapt to climate change 

Over the past century, the southwestern willow flycatcher’s genome has changed

June 30, 2023

Red tide leads to hundreds of sick and dying dolphins and sea lions in California 

An algae bloom is poisoning the marine mammals

June 27, 2023

JWM: Why has elk recruitment declined in New Mexico?

A recent study examines whether bottom-up effects influenced calf recruitment

June 23, 2023

10 years later, translocated turtles find their way home

After being moved from the site of an oil spill, many turtles have returned

June 22, 2023

TWS2022: Ferrets return to Standing Rock Sioux Reservation

The Standing Rock Sioux worked with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to reintroduce the endangered species to parts of the reservation

June 21, 2023

Survival of ‘akikiki may come down to good mate choice

Captive breeding program is finding ways to improve the success of program for endangered Hawaiian honeycreepers