Area of Focus: Species Taxon

October 31, 2023

Two conservation artists receive ‘Ding’ Darling Memorial Award

Melissa Groo and Erika Coover are being honored for their work

October 30, 2023

Golf course gators munch on more spider, insects

Alligators eat more spiders and insects than their non-golf course counterparts

October 27, 2023

Warming Arctic may pose new risks to endangered right whales

Fishing boats and North Pacific right whales must share the narrow Bering Strait

October 26, 2023

Development pushes one Blanding’s turtle population to the brink

The Ottawa turtles will likely reach “quasi-extinction” in the next decade

October 25, 2023

Are Florida’s invasive caimans on the way out?

A team of “Croc Docs” have been working to eradicate the species

October 25, 2023

USFWS rule would expand area for ferret reintroduction

It would also increase flexibility for wildlife managers, and encourage greater cooperation between managers and landowners

October 24, 2023

In the cities, male sparrows do it all

Urban males defend their territories and take care of their chicks

October 23, 2023

Heat waves harm bird reproduction on farmlands

With no shade, the birds can’t keep cool

October 20, 2023

The Department of the Interior announces two new wildlife refuges 

The Wyoming Toad Conservation Area and Tennessee’s Paint Rock River National Wildlife Refuge are the newest additions

October 19, 2023

New system better detects polar bear dens

Denning is a vulnerable time for polar bears