Area of Focus: Mammals

May 9, 2023

Do cougars affect ecosystems by preying on feral donkeys?

Donkey activity patterns may affect vegetation around desert wetlands

May 8, 2023

For high-elevation squirrels, climate alone won’t decide their future

A variety of conditions affect how species might respond to environmental change due to differences in their ecological niches

May 5, 2023

Watch: Tracking Arkansas bears to new territory

As black bears expand their range, GPS collars are helping biologists understand their behavior

May 3, 2023

Quebec caribou herd readies for baby boom

The herd has been kept in a protective enclosure

May 2, 2023

White-nose syndrome discovered in Colorado

A Yuma bat became the first bat in the state to test positive for the deadly disease

May 1, 2023

Beavers may help improve endangered desert fish habitat

Translocated beavers can improve the riparian ecosystem, even in arid areas of Utah

April 28, 2023

Watch: Recovering the black-footed ferret

Efforts are underway to recover this species from the brink of extinction

April 27, 2023

Elephant seals redefine ‘deep sleep’

Northern elephant seals get just two hours of sleep at sea, taking deep dives below predators

April 26, 2023

Unusual outbreak raises questions about SARS-CoV-2 in wildlife

Researchers believe an animal infected mink in Poland with an old strain of the virus

April 26, 2023

Wild Cam: When pumas are gone, nothing quite takes their place

Coyotes thrive at Fort Hood, but they don’t fill the role of apex predator