Area of Focus: Endangered Species

March 9, 2023

What’s causing the East Coast whale die-off

Nearly two dozen whales have washed up dead on eastern U.S. shores since December

March 7, 2023

Preserving evolutionary history

A new metric focuses on prioritizing species conservation based on maintaining their evolutionary history

March 3, 2023

Where extinct in the wild species fit into conservation

Species that only exist in places like zoos and aquariums are often left out of conservation assessments

February 28, 2023

COVID lockdowns brought tigers closer to roads

GPS-collared male and female tigers responded differently to the lockdown

February 27, 2023

Wild Cam: Where do sloth bears den?

Female sloth bears may sometimes take risks to gain access to better resources

February 24, 2023

USFWS to revamp Endangered Species Act permitting

Proposed changes would streamline deployment of survival and incidental take permits

February 23, 2023

What’s the best way to translocate snakes?

Researchers examined dozens of studies to find the best strategies

February 13, 2023

Toxic chemicals from everyday products found in killer whales

A common chemical in toilet paper was among those toxins

February 10, 2023

WSB: Counting Nubian Ibex in the Judean Desert

Trail camera and GPS collar tracking reveal effects of drought on Israeli ungulate population

February 6, 2023

UMaine’s Student Chapter contributed to historic progress for RAWA during the last Congress

A UMaine event supporting Recovering America’s Wildlife Act is an example of how students can take action