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Phenology Data and Tools for Wildlife Conservation and Management
Hosted By:
Climate Change and Wildlife Working Group
Date: March 16, 12:00 pm
Have you noticed a shift to seasonal events—birds singing earlier, or insects active later in the year? Is your field season changing? Is it shorter? Is it hotter? Phenology, the timing of seasonal activities, provides a simple tool to track the impact of climate change on plants and animals. The USA National Phenology Network (USA-NPN) is a national-scale monitoring and research initiative that seeks to support natural resource management and decision making. Relevant resources for wildlife managers include phenology data on over 1,600 species and forecast tools such as maps and notification services for managing insect pests and invasive plants and predicting the start of early spring activity. At this webinar, we will introduce the resources available to you and describe how you can use this information to enhance your science and communicate more effectively with the public about changes they can see all around them.
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