Month: March 2020

March 3, 2020

2020 Proposals deadline approaching!

Do you have an idea for an educational or training session at The Wildlife Society’s 2020 Annual Conference? If so, there’s only a short time left to submit it! Our...

March 3, 2020

Study questions effectiveness of polar bear detection tool

A tool that oil companies use to try to avoid harming or disturbing polar bears (Ursus maritimus) may not detect the bears in their dens as well as they were...

March 2, 2020

Introducing the Drone Working Group

Do you use currently use drones in your wildlife work? Are you considering drones but were confused by the technology, permitting or potential safety and legal issues? Would you like...

March 2, 2020

The Wildlife Society provides recommendations for grazing regulations

The Wildlife Society submitted comments to the Bureau of Land Management last week, highlighting a list of issues that the BLM should consider in its forthcoming Environmental Impact Statement that...

March 2, 2020

Old Japanese fish prints yield clues about dwindling species

The Japanese practice of making ink prints from fish known as gyotaku has let fishermen show off their catches and taught children about anatomy. Now researchers are finding that they...