Month: November 2016

November 10, 2016

Successful 2016 oral rabies vaccination campaign completed

2016 marks the 21st year that the USDA Wildlife Services (WS) National Rabies Management Program (NRMP) has participated in the distribution of oral rabies vaccine (ORV) baits in the U.S.,...

November 9, 2016

UND students travel near, far for professional development

The University of North Dakota’s Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society received an influx of interest from new students and new ideas. As a result, members have had the opportunity...

November 9, 2016

Experience may make birds more prone to vehicle collisions

You might think that city birds would get “street smart,” learning to evade fast-moving vehicles. But exposure to traffic may actually increase some birds’ chances of being hit, according to...

November 8, 2016

The Wildlife Professional November/December issue is online

This cover feature of this issue of The Wildlife Professional examines efforts to protect western rangelands that are being damaged by overabundant feral horses and burros, a controversial issue that...

November 8, 2016

Conservation Education Program celebrates 100th workshop

The premier Conservation Leaders for Tomorrow program (CLfT) celebrated its 100th workshop last month at the Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation in Dundee, Illinois. CLfT is an award-winning professional development program,...

November 8, 2016

Western Section meeting includes pika consortium

The Western Section of The Wildlife Society’s Annual Meeting always includes numerous educational and professional development opportunities. The 2017 Annual Meeting, which will take place February 6-10, 2017 at Peppermill...

November 8, 2016

Provincial report: Wildlife populations declining in Ontario

The Environmental Commissioner for Ontario recently released the 2015/2016 Environmental Protection Report, titled “Small Steps Forward”. Volume 2 of this report focuses on trends in biodiversity, referring to case studies...

November 7, 2016

Montana Chapter voices support for regulated trapping

A statement by the Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society was released on Oct. 31 in The Montana Standard stating the Chapter’s support for continuing regulated trapping of furbearers and...

November 7, 2016

Upcoming wildlife-related measures on state ballots

Five state ballots will include wildlife- and conservation-related measures during tomorrow’s general election, including state park funding, trapping regulations, intrastate wildlife trafficking, and the right to hunt and fish in...

November 7, 2016

USFWS to issue uncommon eagle take permit for wind project

For only the second time in history, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will issue a five-year take permit to an energy company after finding that the company’s wind project...