Month: March 2016

March 11, 2016

Budget hearing: Wildfires a priority for US Forest Service

As the appropriations season for fiscal year (FY) 2017 ramps up in Washington, Congressional subcommittees in both the House and Senate are holding hearings to discuss and dissect the President’s budget request. Every...

March 10, 2016

Budget hearing: Wild horses and burros a priority for BLM

As the appropriations season for fiscal year (FY) 2017 ramps up in Washington, Congressional subcommittees in both the House and Senate are holding hearings to discuss and dissect the President’s...

March 10, 2016

USFWS updates decades-old mitigation policy

USFWS proposed an update to its decades-old mitigation policy that would provide a “streamlined approach” to lessening the impacts of development on fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats. The proposed...

March 9, 2016

USFWS proposes delisting of Yellowstone grizzly bears

Grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) are no longer under risk of extinction, according to a USFWS proposal to remove the species from the Federal...

March 9, 2016

What’s on the menu for Allegheny woodrats?

It’s difficult for a population to persist when its main food source has disappeared. Allegheny woodrats (Neotoma magister) faced this firsthand when American chestnuts were extirpated and forests transitioned to...

March 8, 2016

Past president overcomes odds, reaches apex of profession

Dr. Lytle H. Blankenship spent the majority of his childhood running around barefoot on his family’s 72-acre farm in South Texas. Growing up in the throes of the Great Depression,...

March 8, 2016

TWS lobbies for increased funding for wildlife professionals

The Wildlife Society’s mission – to inspire, empower and enable wildlife professionals – hinges upon securing resources that wildlife professionals need to carry out their work of science-based management and...

March 7, 2016

Social attraction entices cormorants away from fisheries

Wildlife managers battling to keep double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) from devastating juvenile fish populations might want to try something that waterfowl hunters use all the time: decoys. In a study...

March 7, 2016

TWS member tracks the mystery of snow leopard populations

It was 2009 in a small valley in the Gobi Desert in southern Mongolia, about 50 miles from the Chinese border. Local sheep and goat herders in the area had...

March 7, 2016

Biologists to test impact of auxiliary markings on snowy owl

Recently, a Wildlife Services biologist captured a snowy owl at the Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport. When released, the owl carried a USGS leg band and was the first participant...