David Edlund_Reptiles_FastandWreckless

©David Edlund

  • History of Wildlife Toxicology

    Much of our history starts with the awareness Rachel Carson promoted in her 1962 book, Silent Spring. Since then much legislation has been passed such as National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Clean Air and Water Acts, and the Superfund Program among others. Many issues we work on are the same as those which were prominent in 1962, while others have been recently recognized or produced.

  • Mission

    Consistent with the goals of The Wildlife Society, The Wildlife Toxicology Working Group’s goal statement is: The Wildlife Toxicology Working Group works to bring greater awareness and understanding of the effects of environmental contaminants on wildlife.

    The Working Group assists TWS members in advancing their knowledge of the principles of wildlife toxicology and procedures for responding to and preventing contaminant problems with wildlife.

    The Working Group encourages the use of sound biological information regarding contaminants in wildlife management policy decision making.

    The Working Group conducts special sessions and workshops at TWS’ Annual Meetings and other forums.

    As part of The Wildlife Society, this working group subscribes to the Toxic Chemical Compounds policy statement.