Western Section to hold bat acoustics workshop

The Western Section of The Wildlife Society will hold a practical workshop on acoustic monitoring of bats June 21 to 24 at James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve in California.

This four-day workshop will introduce participants to noninvasive acoustic monitoring and species identification of bats. Beginning with the fundamentals of acoustics to interpret the biology and ecology of echolocation, we’ll learn how bats use sound and how we can capture it for monitoring. Participants will learn the theory and practice of recording and analyzing ultrasonic bat vocalizations to interpret bat activity and species presence. They will also connect these concepts to the regulatory setting in California and provide an overview of key considerations when applying acoustics to the environmental compliance realm.

Field outings will provide hands‐on experience in using recording equipment, when and where to deploy it and learn how to recognize the acoustic signatures of local bat species.

Registration includes dorm-style lodging or camping, catered breakfast and lunch, bagged dinner for the field, and use of SonoBat equipment and software. Early registration lasts until May 21 and costs:

$550 for section members
$595 for non-members
$275 for students or early career professionals

To register, please go to: https://www.wildlifeprofessional.org/western/bata2018_reg.php. A flyer with more information is also available here.

Contact Ivan Parr at mailto:workshops@tws-west.org with any questions.

Header Image: Mexican free-tailed bats exiting Bracken Bat Cave. @USFWS/Ann Froschauer