Tag: size

March 16, 2022

Brainier birds deal better with climate change

When researchers in Chicago studied museum specimens of birds that died from window strikes, they discovered a trend. Since the 1970s, a warming climate was causing many species of birds...

February 8, 2019

Researchers capture largest cave salamander in North America

Nicholas Gladstone had to crawl through a watery passage in a Tennessee cave to find the species he was looking for, but as it turned out, it found him first....

May 25, 2018

Bison size shrinking as temperatures rise

When Jeff Martin was growing up on a bison (Bison bison) ranch, he noticed the bison surrounding him were much smaller than the ones he saw in ice age dioramas...

January 4, 2018

Constantly on the hunt, midsize carnivores face unique risks

Medium-sized carnivores may be particularly at risk from environmental changes, an international team of scientists found, because they spend so much of their waking hours hunting for food that they...

September 21, 2017

Extinction risk picks on vertebrates big and small

At first glance, little animals like grey geckos and big ones like whale sharks don’t seem to have much in common. Researchers examining extensive data on body mass and threat...