Tag: map

October 24, 2017

Reptile atlas highlights more biodiversity hotspots

Compared to other vertebrates, reptiles have been a mystery to science, and their distribution has been less understood than that of mammals, birds and amphibians. A recently completed global atlas...

August 30, 2017

Model predicts wild pig distribution in Saskatchewan

There are some preconceived notions that free-ranging wild pigs (Sus scrofa), an invasive species in North America, are unlikely to survive in cold areas since many of them are invading...

February 2, 2017

JWM study: Lasers help map red tree vole habitat in Oregon

Lasers can shed light on where even small species live on the landscape and help wildlife managers plan for their conservation, a new study shows. Researchers used LiDAR to model...

August 30, 2016

New radar visualization shows the flow of bird migrations

A new visualization tool for radar data is revealing bird migrations as they have never been seen before. With the new tool, birds’ nocturnal journeys appear as blue streaks that...

August 29, 2016

What landscapes do golden eagles prefer?

Golden eagle numbers seem to be soaring in elevated, undeveloped landscapes with high wind speeds, according to recent research. As part of a study published in the journal PLOS ONE,...