Tag: long-term monitoring

March 6, 2018

Climate and landscape changes shifting Texas bats’ migration

Climate and land use changes are altering bat migration in Texas, researchers found. Studying the world’s largest migrant bat colony, they discovered that the bats are returning sooner after winter...

December 6, 2017

Climate change threats to Hawaiian tree impact birds, too

On the Big Island of Hawaii, hundreds of thousands of ‘ohi’a trees, whose scarlet blooms color the archipelago and sustain many endemic nectar-feeding birds, are swiftly succumbing to a fungal...

May 31, 2017

Highway crossings benefit Banff wildlife

Highways cutting through natural landscapes can kill wildlife in vehicle collisions, fragment their habitat and disconnect their populations. Structures built during the past three decades to help animals cross a...

June 28, 2016

A falcon legacy

Skip Ambrose hasn’t missed an American peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) nesting season in 40 years. Through binoculars and spotting scopes, he has watched the population on the upper Yukon River...