Tag: indigenous

October 1, 2021

Native Professional Development Program accepts 12 students

Twelve students will be gearing up for career and learning opportunities at the TWS 2021 Virtual Conference as part of the Native Student Professional Development program this year. The program...

June 16, 2020

New parasite seen in wolverines raises human health concerns

A newly discovered Trichinella parasite that can persist in freezing temperatures has been detected in wolverines in Canada and could harm First Nations people, researchers fear. If the wolverines spread...

September 11, 2019

Species abundant on indigenous lands

As a team of researchers looked at biodiversity on lands in British Columbia, they found species diversity was particularly high on First Nations lands. That led them to wonder, do...

March 19, 2019

Tapping into indigenous knowledge to restore ecosystems

When researchers include knowledge from indigenous people — who rely on their environments for their livelihoods — ecological restoration programs have more success, a team of researchers argues in Restoration Ecology....

August 7, 2018

Session of the Week: Cross-cultural Competence and Increasing Diversity

Registration for The Wildlife Society’s 25th Annual Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, is now open! Visit twsconference.org for details, or register now by logging in to Your Membership and clicking on the Conference tab. How can...

July 19, 2018

WSB: Integrating traditional knowledge and wildlife work

Wildlife professionals have for years recognized the value of indigenous perspectives on conservation, but it can be difficult to conduct wildlife research while incorporating indigenous knowledge in a culturally sensitive...