Tag: brown tree snake

August 10, 2016

A dogged last defense against brown tree snakes

On a late June morning, biological science technician Joaquin Benavente and his partner Bonnie started a routine day at the U.S. Navy processing center on Guam, with 16 outbound vehicles...

February 24, 2016

The economic case for invasive brown tree snake management

In recognition of National Invasive Species Awareness Week (Feb. 21-27), USDA Wildlife Services is providing a two-part series on the economics of invasive species management. A recent article in The...

October 21, 2015

Wildlife Services on Tackling Invasive Snakes, Teaching Geese to Dodge Planes

Wildlife professionals need to have a host of tricks up their sleeves to limit human-wildlife conflicts. In the case of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services Agency, these tricks...