Image Credit: SC Chapter of TWS

©SC Chapter of TWS


Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge


Bylaws and History

In 1976, there were 64 members of The Wildlife Society living and working in South Carolina. Subsequently, in January 1977, Dr. Jay Hair, Clemson University Assistant Professor of Wildlife Biology, sent a letter to these members to request their assistance in establishing a South Carolina Chapter of The Wildlife Society.  According to Dr. Hair, the purpose of a state chapter would be, “to better acquaint wildlife biologists in South Carolina with each other’s research projects, accomplishments, etc., to promote professionalism and to develop a stronger voice in both The Wildlife Society and its Southeastern Section.”  Upon receiving a very favorable response to Dr. Hair’s letter, an organizational meeting was scheduled for June 16-17, 1977, at Hobcaw Barony near Georgetown, South Carolina.  At this meeting there were presentations on wildlife research and management, adoption of by-laws, election of offices, and a famous, “Hobcaw feral hog barbeque.”  Then, in an August 1, 1977, letter to the Parent Society, newly elected South Carolina president Mr. John Sweeney officially requested the state chapter’s charter.  Enclosed with this letter was a petition to issue a charter for the formation of a South Carolina Chapter signed by 22 biologists that attended the June meeting.  Finally, in a letter dated August 10, 1977, The Wildlife Society Executive Director Mr. Fred Evenden, stated the South Carolina Chapter’s petition and by-laws had been accepted, and that their charter would be presented at the Southeastern Section Meeting held that October in San Antonio, Texas.

To view the South Carolina Chapter’s Bylaws, click here.
To view a list of past South Carolina Chapter Officers, click here

Image Credit: Mark Musselman, National Audubon Society

©Mark Musselman, National Audubon Society

Executive Board

To view the complete list of Officers and their contact information, click here.