Image Credit: Heather Bell/USFWS

©Heather Bell/USFWS, licensed by cc 2.0

About Us

The San Joaquin Valley Chapter Area

The San Joaquin Valley Chapter covers a nine county area that includes areas of the San Joaquin Valley, Coastal Range, Sierra Nevada Range, and western Mojave Desert. For more detail, a map is available here.

Image Credit: Robert Nunnally

©Robert Nunnally, licensed by cc 2.0


The Chapter operates according to approved bylaws. To view the bylaws, click here.

The Goals of the Society and the San Joaquin Valley Chapter:

  1. Develop and maintain professional standards for wildlife research and management.
  2. Enhance knowledge and technical capabilities of wildlife managers.
  3. Advance professional stewardship of wildlife resources and their habitats.
  4. Advocate the use of sound biological information for wildlife policy decisions.
  5. Increase public awareness and appreciation of the wildlife profession.

Our Logo

In 2009 we held an open contest for a logo that represents the diversity of our Chapter area. The contest winner is Robin Phanco, a graphic artist from the Fresno area. She graduated in 1993 from California State University, Fresno with a BA in Graphic Design. In the last 17 years she has had the opportunity to work in Computer Game Design, Trade Show/Exhibit Design, and Restaurant & Retail Design. She has been the Creative Director for three startup companies and is currently the Creative Director for Northside Christian Church in Clovis, California.

Champion for Wildlife Award

To recognize and honor significant contributions and steadfast dedication of our members to wildlife conservation in the San Joaquin Valley, we developed the Champions for Wildlife award to commemorate deserving or otherwise dedicated members of the San Joaquin Valley Chapter.