Read the new issues of JWM and Wildlife Monographs

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The February issue of The Journal of Wildlife Management (Vol. 81.2) and the latest Wildlife Monograph (Vol 196.1) are now available online.

In the Editor’s Message, JWM Editor-in-Chief Paul R. Krausman discusses services offered by TWS journals for authors who receive public funds for their research, including open access and open researcher and contributor identification (ORCID iD). The message also includes a discussion of mandates that include data archiving.

Featured papers include:

  • Factors influencing reproductive success in male white-tailed deer
  • Evaluating genetic capture-recapture using a chimpanzee population of known size
  • Avoiding the scale sampling problem: A consilient solution

The latest Wildlife Monograph looks at:

Biological and social outcomes of antler point restriction harvest regulations for white-tailed deer

To read these issues, log in the TWS member portal and go “Publications.”