Gray whales off the Pacific Northwest are shrinking
Researchers worry it’s an “early warning sign” that the population is in jeopardy
Recreation noise causes wildlife to flee
A study in Bridger-Teton National Forest found elk and black bear were the most sensitive
Mexican spotted owls benefit from low-severity fires
Massive wildfires are harmful to the birds, but low-severity fires benefit their habitats
Discriminatory housing practices of the past still shape urban wildlife
Researchers found “redlining” has left some California neighborhoods with little wildlife
Hudson Bay polar bears may not survive climate change
More ice-free days may eliminate these populations
JWM: In the Alaskan Arctic, where are all the wolverines?
A recent study found densities were a tenth of what researchers found 40 years ago
Q&A: Missing wolves, forgotten landscapes and lost knowledge
A recent study suggests that, like ecosystems, science was reshaped by the loss of wolves
Could treating injured raptors help lift a population?
Researchers found the work of rehabbers can have long-lasting benefits
Parasitic worms are killing western moose
The roundworms are carried by mule deer